Monthly Mingle: An Interview with Sam Bail, Founder of Third Place Bar

Monthly Mingle: An Interview with Sam Bail, Founder of Third Place Bar

For our July “Monthly Mingle,” Laura Taylor, our Founder and Chief Mingle Officer, sat down with Sam Bail, the visionary behind Third Place Bar. Third Place Bar offers a friendly and inclusive environment where people can socialize and connect without the pressure of drinking, whether they’re abstaining for the evening, taking a temporary break, or committing to a longer alcohol-free journey.

First tell us about yourself in 3 sentences. 

I’m originally from Germany and have been living in NYC for 10 years. My background is in tech, but I’ve always been active in community building. I founded Third Place Bar as a series of alcohol-free popup events in late 2022.

Have you heard of or participated in the sober curious movement?  

I host alcohol-free social events, so I actively contribute to create spaces for sober-curious people to socialize without alcohol.

How do you make yourself feel ‘part of the party’ when you aren’t drinking? 

I just generally enjoy meeting people and having great conversations, so I often don’t even notice that I’m the only one who isn’t drinking.

Best advice for other women entrepreneurs wanting to start a business?  

Your time is valuable. 90% of what you say yes to should bring you closer to your business goals, but it’s okay to save 10% of your time for things that are fun, easy, and that you’re excited about.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

I launched Third Place Bar in late 2022 and was completely new to the non-alcoholic beverage and hospitality industry. Almost exactly 18 months later I got to speak about the importance of non-alcoholic drink programs on a panel at Bar Convent Brooklyn, one of the biggest conventions for bar and beverage professionals in the US.

How have other women helped support you through your career journey?

There are so many amazing women in the non-alc industry, in NYC and beyond. The community has been incredibly supportive and encouraging, and some women have (quite literally) given me a seat at a table for some opportunities.

Quick Questions

Typical morning routine

I’m working on developing a good morning routine, but right now it’s overnight oats, decaf iced coffee, and journaling/writing my to-do list for the day!

Favorite way to unplug?

A beach day (I love that NYC has beaches you can easily get to by ferry or subway!)

Favorite sweet treat?

I’ve been having a lot of Tiramisu lately

Dream Travel Destination?

I went to Japan in April, which was a bucket list item for me. I always just want to go back to Italy.

Most played song on your Spotify?

Most recently: Charli XCX - Von Dutch

Flavor vs Flavor

Cranberry Cosmo or Key Lime Margarita? 

Margs, always. 

Blackberry Hibiscus Bellini or Cucumber Melon Mojito? 

Cucumber Melon Mojito - I love cucumber flavored sparkling drinks in summer!

Moscow Mule or Blood Orange Elderflower Mimosa? 

Oh that’s difficult, I love both? Blood Orange Elderflower Mimosa, if I had to choose.

Check out Third Place Bar

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